European Books

Under European Books you will find all the resources you need to help you with your studies.

EduDonor Index

EduDonor Index covers the information on more than 600 000 grants available for the educational institutions/organizations in any country in the world. 
The educational institutions including; kindergartens/ primary schools/ secondary schools/ high schools/ colleges/ institutes/ universities/ private educational institutions/ ministries/ faculties, departments, centers in the universities and any other kinds of educational institutions can benefit these grants for their educational activities
You can locate it under your subject categories ; Education and also General 
As EduDonor Index covers all study subjects you can locate it also under other subject categories ; Business,Biological Sciences,Engineering & Technology,Humanities,Medicine,Science, Social Sciences,General.

EduScholarships Index

EduScholarships Index covers the information on more than 2 million global and local scholarships available for the university students (bachelors, masters, doctorates/PhDs) and for the students of kindergartens, primary schools (grades 1-4), secondary schools (grades 5-8) and high schools (grades 9-12) in any country in the world.
You can locate it under your subject categories ; Education and also General
As EduScholarships Index covers all study subjects you can locate it also under other subject categories ; Business,Biological Sciences,Engineering & Technology,Humanities,Medicine,Science, Social Sciences,General.

HEPSEU Database ( Higher Education Programmes & Scholarships in European Countries )

HEPSEU Database covers the information on more than 100 000 Higher Education Programmes (Bachelors,Masters,Doctorates) in European Countries and more than 1.5 million global scholarships and grants available for the participants of these programmes
You can locate it under your subject categories ; Education and also General
As HEPSEU covers all study subjects you can locate it also under other subject categories ; Business,Biological Sciences,Engineering & Technology,Humanities,Medicine,Science, Social Sciences,General.

ORP Index ( Directory of Ongoing Research Projects in European Countries )

ORP Index ( Directory of Ongoing Research Projects in European Countries ) covers the information on more than 180 000 ongoing research projects available in European Countries and on more than 400 000 organizations/contact details related to these projects in European Countries taking part in such research activities with a yearly research budget of more than 200 Billion US Dollars.
You can locate it under your subject categories ; Education and also General
As ORP Index covers all study subjects you can locate it also under other subject categories ; Business,Biological Sciences,Engineering & Technology,Humanities,Medicine,Science, Social Sciences,General.